Over the years, ITRC products have helped to provide a common understanding and acceptance of environmental challenges and solutions. Many beneficial ITRC products go underutilized because newer staff are unaware of how to locate them. The ITRC Quickening Environmental Solutions and Training (QUEST) Knowledge Map incorporate existing ITRC products to help new environmental program staff gain rapid exposure to years of lessons learned and proven best practices and help them to better understand the nuances of the environmental profession.
The ITRC Quickening Environmental Solutions and Training (QUEST) Knowledge Map is an interactive tool for navigating ITRC’s environmental guidance documents and resources, allowing users to filter through ITRC’s vast library based on concise subjects. The Knowledge Map presents a “roadmap” of where to find key environmental topic and concept information within the ITRC document library and resources and is organized by the Assessment and Remediation phases of environmental cleanups. By clicking on these phases on the top toolbar of this tool, users can navigate topics and subtopics, and access links to published ITRC documents
and resources that provide an overview for these topics.