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Assessment Phase

Groundwater Statistics and Monitoring Compliance

Statistical techniques to evaluate and monitor groundwater at environmental cleanup sites.

Geospatial Analysis for Optimization (GRO-1)
Review Checklist
The purpose of this checklist is to address common questions about geospatial analysis. This checklist can be used to explain the use of geospatial analysis at an environmental site.

Groundwater Statistics and Monitoring Compliance (GSMC-1)
Appendix C
This guidance document explains statistical techniques to evaluate and optimize groundwater monitoring for environmental projects. The primary audience for this guidance is environmental practitioners who have technical and project management experience, but who may not have specific expertise in statistics.

In Situ Bioremediation (ISB-4)
Section 1 (Introduction)
Reviews approaches used to remediate sites contaminated with volatile organic compounds (VOCs) including soil vapor extraction, bioventing, and natural attenuation.

In Situ Bioremediation (ISB-8)
Section 5.4 (Performance Monitoring), page 38
A good understanding of the specific contaminant’s stoichiometry, kinetics, and transformations is essential to develop an appropriate monitoring plan.