The review of processes affecting cleanup effectiveness: cleanup systems, established cleanup levels, established procedures to verify attainment of cleanup goals, and readiness to support a five-year review or any other part of a regulation-mandated process.
Dense, Nonaqueous-Phase Liquids (DNAPLs-5)
Section 5.1 (Remedial Effectiveness and System Efficiency Monitoring), Table 5-2
Discusses two types of performance monitoring: remedial effectiveness monitoring and system efficiency monitoring.
Green and Sustainable Remediation (GSR-2)
Section 1.4.3 (Remediation Process Optimization)
Remediation process optimization (RPO) provides opportunities for applying GSR approaches to existing, already under way, site remediation projects.
Integrated DNAPL Site Strategy (IDSS-1)
Section 5.6 (Monitoring Optimization); Section 6.2 (Remedy Optimization—Can Objectives be Met with Greater Efficiency?); Table 6-2; Section 6.3 (Remedy Evaluation)
Discusses optimizing the monitoring and remedial processes through the cleanup of DNAPL sites.
Mass Flux (MASSFLUX-1)
Section 3.4 (Performance Monitoring and Optimization)
Mass flux/discharge estimates can be used to evaluate changes within the source zone or plume, remedy performance, and system optimization.
Optimizing Injection Strategies and In-situ Remediation Performance (OIS-ISRP-1)
Section 3.1 (The Design Wheel and Optimization Process)
The design wheel involves consideration of the amendment, delivery method, and dose simultaneously throughout the in situ RDC, design, implementation, and monitoring process.
Phytotechnologies (PHYTO-3)
Section (Supplementing or Supplanting Existing Remediation Systems)
Discusses reviewing, updating, and optimizing remediation systems.
Remediation Process Optimization (RPO-1)
Section 3 (Remediation Process Optimization), Figure 3-2
Process elements of an optimization, Table 3-1. Suggested data to be collected for site prioritization.
Remediation Process Optimization (RPO-3)
What Are Common Obstacles to Implementing a Performance-Based Exit Strategy?
Remediation Process Optimization (RPO-7)
Section 3.5 (Remedial Process Optimization)
RPO allows for systematic evaluation and refinement of remediation processes to ensure that human health and the environment are being protected over the long term at minimum risk and cost.
Solidification/Stabilization (S/S-1)
Section 3 (Performance of S/S-Treated Materials) and
Section 4 (Performance Specifications in the S/S Design and Implementation Process)
Presents an overview of the material performance goals and the general role of performance specifications in the design and implementation process.