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Assessment Phase


Stormwater reflects rainwater or melted snow that runs off streets, lawns, and other sites that can be a source for contamination.  

Stormwater Management (Stormwater-1)
Entire Document / Section 1 (Introduction)
Provides a centralized resource for information on stormwater BMP effectiveness (water quality treatment improvement) and provide the reader with guidance on how to use and implement that information.

Phytotechnologies (PHYTO-3)
Section 1.3.6 (Riparian Buffers)
Describes how as agriculture and urbanization encroach upon downgradient surface water bodies, NPS pollution is often generated in the runoff.

Phytotechnologies (PHYTO-3)
Section (Irrigation Systems, Infiltration Control, and Storm Water Management)
Describes how stormwater (and irrigation) management control features may be designed into the site.