Dry cleaners are a potentially contaminated site due to the commonly used solvents, perchloroethylene and petroleum solvents.
Integrated DNAPL Site Strategy (IDSS-2)
Dry Cleaner Case Study
PCE contaminated dry-cleaner site, focused on In-Situ Chemical Oxidation, Pump & Treat, and Soil Vapor Extraction remedial technologies.
Vapor Intrusion Pathway: Investigative Approaches for Typical Scenarios (VI-1A)
Scenario 2 (Dry-Cleaning Operations in a Strip Mall Near a Residential Neighborhood), pages 9-14
This scenario illustrates a typical assessment of the vapor intrusion risk to adjoining businesses due to tetrachloroethane (PCE) contamination emanating from a dry-cleaner.
Vapor Intrusion Issues at Brownfield Sites (BRNFLD-1)
Section 1 (Introduction)
This document discusses the concept of vapor intrusion, the type of contaminants that may pose a risk of vapor intrusion, and the steps that can be taken to control or abate these risks which can apply to dry cleaner sites.